We witness a miracle each time a child enters a life. But those who must make their journey home across time and miles, growing in the hearts of those waiting to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny. And placed among us by God's own hands.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Not Just Black History Month...

I am not a fan of months or days being devoted to a specific topic, not because the topics are not important, but because many of them are so extremely important that they should be a en-grained part of our society. And so I have mixed feelings about Black History Month (or also called National African American History Month) which occurs in February. Let me clarify that I think it is valuable because sadly many people do not know much about the role of African Americans in US history. For our family in particular, and this piggy back's my last post, I think it is crucial that my children receive exposure to positive African American role models. Because of that I am glad for Black History Month and the events that are sponsored in February to celebrate, honor and remember (sadly not much going on locally here though). What I wish is that it did not end in February. My hope is that someday the role of African Americans, and other ethnic groups of people as well, will play a equal part in what our children learn in social studies at school and what is written in the history books. What is special about this year is that it marks the 150 year anniversary since Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation to end Slavery in America, hence the description given for this year "At the Crossroads of freedom and equality".

If you are looking for some resources for info on Black History Month here are a few places to go:




And as a side note, Nike came up with a line of shoes to honor this years Black History Month, Yes, Nike is not well known for their worldwide employment standards and sure this is a way for them to make money but in a some way I actually appreciate a company honoring the importance of this year's Black History Month. They have assigned the campaign the slogan of "Be Bold, Be True". Clearly Nike understands that many African Americans take great pride in being identified as African American. I can only hope that my two African American children can Be Bold and Be True to themselves (but they don't have to buy shoes for hundreds of dollars to do so :) I would love to get the pic as a poster for my son's room though....

Nike Basketball   BHM Black History Month 2013 Collection

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