We witness a miracle each time a child enters a life. But those who must make their journey home across time and miles, growing in the hearts of those waiting to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny. And placed among us by God's own hands.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fields of Vegetables

Today we went as a family to a Harvest Festival at Miller's Farm located in Platteville, CO. If you live in the area of northern Colorado this is a great deal. Your admission includes all the activities such as the corn maze, barrel train rides, bouncy thing, and feeding the goats. But the main attraction to Miller's Farm is the vegetable picking. Your whole family jumps on a hayride type trailer pulled by a tractor and they take you out to the fields. You get to stop at each section where different crops are grown and you can pick up to six 20 pound bags per person in your family. For us that calculates out to 24 bags or 480 pounds of vegetables. We spent over 4 hours in the fields and picked corn, peppers, cabbage, broccoli, leeks, onions, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, gourds, red potatoes, kohlrabi, turnips, and carrots. Thankfully they have a zillion little metal wagons that you get to use to transport the bags of vegetables from the trailer drop-off point to your car in the parking lot. We actually ran out of time at one spot and ended up picking two fewer bags then our allotted amount, but oh well, we now have a TON of vegetables to store, freeze, and can. So we are stocked with vegetables and had a great day of fun in the sun for only $50 (their price for a family of four). Check them out at http://www.millerfarms.net/

And did I mention that we also have a garden at home and I have already canned pickles and countless bushels of plums from the young and prolific plum tree? What am I thinking, it is not as if I have a ton of time on my hands to be acting like Ms. Homemaker. However, I have a soft spot for whole foods and after all my current and future childrens' health just might depend on it.

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