We witness a miracle each time a child enters a life. But those who must make their journey home across time and miles, growing in the hearts of those waiting to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny. And placed among us by God's own hands.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Well not yet but almost! The whole reason we moved to Colorado was for me to begin pursuit of my PhD in psychology. Well that was 5 and 1/2 years ago and it is about time that I get that degree in hand! It's not that I have not been doing anything, it's just that when I started working as a full-time school psychologist two years ago the dissertation took the backseat. So I am pleased to say that after some inspiration, and 220 pages later, I am done writing! I will officially defend my dissertation to my faculty committee on April 29th, at which time they will reccommend more changes that I will make, then I will make more changes in formatting for the graduate school and when all the paperwork is in check I will officially have a PhD degree in hand. What I am most excited about is that I will get to walk through the graduation ceremony this spring and both of my children will be there to watch. I can't believe how much my son has grown in the last 5 years. All he remembers is mommy being a graduate student, but this does not seem to be such a bad thing as he thinks it is completely normal to pursue lifelong education.
And so here he is at the start of my PhD program:

And here he is this fall/winter. I think he has grown a bit?

1 comment:

  1. you have a beautiful family! we are just starting the adoption process in Rwanda and I would love any insight you could offer!!
