We witness a miracle each time a child enters a life. But those who must make their journey home across time and miles, growing in the hearts of those waiting to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny. And placed among us by God's own hands.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Feeling Thankful

So today I am feeling thankful for all the wonderful people in my life. There is a saying among professionals in the field of psychology that "We stand on the shoulders of giants". In otherwords most of what we as professional psychologists know, we learned from the wise theorists who came before us. When it comes to being a mom I have learned, and sometimes the hard way, that the African Proverb "It takes a village to raise a child" could not be more true. The proverb is from Nigeria and it shares a similar meaning to many African cultures such as the Sukuma proverb "One knee does not bring up a child", and the Swahili proverb "One hand does not nurse a child." And so it is with admiration that today I would like put out there a thank you list to all of the people who have helped me in the last year. Some of them are near strangers and some probably know me better then I do.

Thank you to:
  • My best friend who when I called her in a panic for help last week she was able to be where I needed her to be within minutes, no questions asked.
  • The mothers adopting from or who have already adopted from Rwanda and whom I have just recently met out in cyberspace. They have already been a enormous source of support, encouragement, and information.
  • All the Ethiopian adoptive mothers on the various internet forums that I have accessed for information. They were able to answer my dumb questions when I was new to so many things involved in international and trans-racial adoption.
  • The adoption agency staff that has served us for our adoption experiences so far, and to our most recent homestudy social worker who was more then accomodating when we decided to change our country request.
  • The medical professionals who have provided our daughter excellent care and guidance since coming home.
  • All of my children's teachers who are compassionate, patient, and very well educated.
  • My own teachers, and more recently to the faculty on my dissertation committee who have been great sources of support and information whenever needed.
  • My extended family who have fully supported our higher education endevers and who responded with excitement to our adoption plans. They understand that doing things one at a time just is not our style.
  • Our church community who has been there to help out when help is needed and who welcomes our family every week with open arms.
  • My husband who is a wonderful father!
  • All those that I have not mentioned but whose "shoulders I stand on" everyday without even knowing or giving credit to.

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