Re-posted from this article http://www.panna.org/issues/pesticides-profit/chemical-cartel, Did you know?....
"When a handful of corporations own the world’s seed, pesticide and biotech industries, they control the fate of food and farming. Between them, Monsanto, Dow, BASF, Bayer, Syngenta and DuPont control the global seed, pesticide and agricultural biotechnology market. This kind of historically unprecedented power over world agriculture enables them to:
- control the agricultural research agenda;
- dictate trade agreements & agricultural policies;
- position their technologies as the “science-based” solution to increase crop yields, feed the hungry and save the planet;
- escape democratic & regulatory controls;
- subvert competitive markets;
…and in the process, intimidate, impoverish and disempower farmers, undermine food security and make historic profits - even in the midst of a global food crisis."
I find it strange that the US media is totally ignoring this issue. Heck most people don't even know what GMO foods are or who Monsanto is. What it comes down to is that one huge company owns the majority of the copyrights on GMO foods. Research is beginning to show that GMO foods are damaging to animals and plants and since there are no FDA requirements to label GMO foods you have no idea what you are actually eating and feeding your children. GMO crops are made to be resistant to certain adverse growing conditions which can then lead to problems if/when something does prop up and destroy the crop. By using only a few GMO crops rather then diverse heirloom crops, which originated where the crops are actually grown, the genetic pool for our food is literally shrunk which puts our worldwide food supply at risk. This is not just a US issue, GMO crops are being introduced all over third world countries as the solution to hunger and famine but the use of GMO's come with a high price and risks to the environment as well as health.

This the newest post from "Food Democracy Now!":
Obama signed the Monsanto Protection Act into law yesterday! Join Food Democracy Now! in demanding Obama urgently issue an executive order to support the mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods. We have over 250,000 signatures in support of this action so don't let your voice go unheard! Sign now to deliver the American voice to Obama:http://action.fooddemocracynow.org/sign/stop_the_monsanto_protection_act_seize_congress/

I totally agree. People should be more aware of what's in there food.