I watched a documentary tonight called "We are Together" http://us.wearetogether.org/ about a group of orphans residing at Agape Child Care Center in South Africa. They were a inspiring group of kids affected by the AIDS epidemic in South Africa who with some help put together a music cd. At the end of the film was a plug for a organization called "Keep a Child Alive" http://keepachildalive.org/, which provides life saving anti-retroviral medications, care, education and food to HIV positive youth in South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and India. They look like a great organization and on the home page of their website they are featuring a chance to be one of 5 individuals who will accompany Alicia Keys on her second trip back to South Africa. All you have to do to enter, is text ALIVE to 90999 to donate $5 to the organization.
I got Tara a necklace for valentines day that supports this org, check it out at Rumblefishcollection.com