I was so saddened to hear of the earthquake in Port-au-Prince. To see such devastation hit the poorest country in the western hemisphere is heartbreaking. When we started our adoption journey many years ago we first looked into adoption from Haiti. We switched countries during our homestudy because at that time there were many children who had been legally adopted by US parents but the families were having a difficult time getting the children out of the country and into the US. There is still a huge need for adoptive families in Haiti because the adoptions are taking so long. Once a child is referred it takes a average of 20-24 months for the adoption to be completed and for the child to come home. This results in a heavy burden on the orphanages as they cannot take in new children when they do not have space. There are two orphanages in particular who I have followed, they are For His Glory Adoption Outreach forhisgloryoutreach.org and God's Littlest Angels glahaiti.org/home. As soon as I heard the news I checked their websites and thankfully the children are all o.k. The first orphanage did sustain damage to their building and injuries to at least two adults. If you want to help just go to their websites for more information.
oh how my heart is hurting for them. so glad to hear the orphanages you checked on are ok!